Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So, We Have This Suit....

Funny story - See, we had been waiting on the newest Sparco Pro Cup 10 suit to arrive from Sparco. And as anyone who's anyone knows, the single identifying feature of the Cup suit is that it has Boot Cut pant legs. Well, our initial shipment from Sparco came in - and the pant legs had traditional racing cuffs.

In typical OG Racing style, we brokered a deal with Sparco and took the entire production line at a reduced cost (actually, it was more Sparco's savvy salesmenship that convinced us to take the entire line - what can I say, We're easy). But that was before we thought about what to call it. Since Cup suits have Boot Cut legs, we couldn't call it that. Then how about calling it the Sponsor, since the styling is pretty much identical? Nope - couldn't do that neither since the Sponsor has always been a higher level suit.

After months of tossing names back and forth (the usual -working with Manhattan Ad firms, calling celebrities, checking trademarks) it was our in-house-team that came up with the name for the suit you'll never forget!

Introducing The OG Racing Special!

OG Racing Special Suit by Sparco

This suit offers the looks of the popular Sparco Sponsor suit, but is a 2-layer design using slightly heavier fabric from the Sprint Suits (about 60 g/sqm heavier). Box quilted construction and articulated shoulders offer all the comfort of Sparco's nicest suits. The 2-layer Nomex construction is both FIA and SFI 3.2a/5 rated, meeting all requirements for wheel-to-wheel racing. Best of all, the OG Racing Special it does away with those funky boot-cut legs that lesser suits have, and replaces them with nice, comfortable traditional elastic cuffs!

The nearest comparable suit from Sparco (the Pro Cup X) retails for $599. Only at OG Racing, the OG Racing Special is available for purchase for only $499. Limited sizes and colors in stock now!

See more info on the OG Racing Special - Click Here!

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