OG Racing has decided to once again remove Piloti from our line-up. To those of us who have been with us for the past 10 years, you might remember that this is the second time we've decided to stop selling Piloti. The first time, we had major problems with their accounting and customer service - product was never available, shipments were always months late, and their customer service was pretty non-existent.
The second time around has pretty much been the same. We were hoping for better; Piloti had strengthened as a company and was creating a major market for themselves not just in the motorsports industry, but in the shoe industry as a whole. Unfortunately, the latter part of that statement seemed to cause the same type of service issues, especially since we aren't as big as, say, Ross. It's also pretty tough to compete when the same product is available down the street at the shopping-mall.
So, Bon-Voyage Piloti, and best of luck in creating a brand out there in the shoe world!
(BTW - you may begin seeing discount prices on everything we have left in stock.)
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