Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2009 Motorsports Holiday Gift Guide - Part 1

It's a pretty well known fact that car geeks are hard to shop for. Sure, we might have thrown obvious hints throughout the year about all the toys and gadgets we've been craving. But I know that as soon as the conversation slides towards rubber and track-times your ears are trained to close.

With this in mind, I present OG Racing's contribution this holiday season: Our First Annual Gift Guide. The guide will be separated into 3 parts for all levels of budget/love. Next year, you might want to listen to our driving stories just long enough to catch some hints! Part 1 follows:

It's the little things that count ($100 and under):

Tire Gauge:

Remember how we're always talking about how important tire pressure is? How the difference in temperature can effect the tire pressure resulting in significant handl...la-la-la. Here's all you need to know - we can never have enough tire gauges. If we have 5, that means there will be that much less of a chance we'll be at the track wondering where our tire gauge is. And being a car geek, it is absolutely, positively against the rules to borrow a gauge from your competitor! Don't worry, we'll find something to do with it, even if it means keeping one in YOUR car!


Just as tire pressure is the most important thing to the car geek, temperature is an easy second. We'll point this thing at the engine and list varying temperature fluctuations based on different oil weights. Then we'll shine it at the brake rotors to prove just how hard we're braking into corners. We'll even point the laser at competitors eyes for that extra edge (don't try this at home kids)! And if all else fails, the pointer makes a fantastic toy for the cats.

Mechanics Gloves:

Ever find black hand-prints all over the house? Here's a hint: If your shade-tree mechanic of a car geek had some gloves to work with, their hands would stay clean! Not only that, but you'll save tons of cash on frivolous things like bandages and tetanus shots. Just don't let your loved one know - we're quick to "disappear" extra funds into the racing budget.

Helmet Bag:

Ever have a helmet roll off the top shelf and land on your head? Ouch! Start your resident racer on the right track of organization with a nice helmet bag. Not only will it help protect their prized possession from dings and scratches, it can potentially increase the safety and life of the helmet. As an added bonus, helmet bags keep that stench from permeating into everything else in your closet!

Driving Gloves:

As brave as we seem, our palms get sweaty while going around in circles at 200 mph (actually, we're usually well below 100 - but you'll never hear it from us). Help us maintain our grip and keep us out of the tire wall!

Driving Shoes:

Ever hear us talk about "dancing on the pedals"? No, we're not grooving to the latest track from Beyonce while aimlessly driving around at reckless speeds. We're working hard here - you know: clutch, brake, gas, brake, more gas. Help us treat our poor feet to the comfort they deserve with a pair of dedicated track shoes!

Racers Tape:

We use this stuff to cover up the front end of the track car. It helps protect the car from track debris (gravel, nuts/bolts, random wheels). That way you never know we had your new car at the track. Shhh...don't let on that you know our dirty little secret. Instead, say that the colorful tape matches their eyes.

And finally....Stopwatch:

This is really more of something to help keep you occupied when you are duped into coming to the track with us. A fun toy that can help you join in your loved one's hobby? Excellent! "Hon...you were 3 seconds faster that time around!! You're doing great!" Just don't let on that you never touched the thing and were reading a book. Trust me - they'll be so elated, they'll never check!

Click here to view the entire Gift Guide

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